Nail Disorder

What are Nail Disorders?

Dermatologist are experts in diseases of the nail unit as well as the skin. Diseases of the fingernails and toenails may be the result of infections, inflammatory conditions, cancers of the skin or nail unit, as well as a result from trauma.

Why see a dermatologist for nail disorders?

It is important to diagnose and treat nail disorders in order to prevent permanent changes or damage to the nail unit. Additionally, because certain types of cancers may develop within the nails, early detection is critical.

How dermatologists treat nail disorders

Because there are so many potential diseases of the nails, your dermatologist will base her evaluation and treatment on multiple factors, including history, symptoms, clinical appearance, and sometimes additional testing, including culture, microscopic, evaluation, or even biopsy. 

What to expect at your dermatology appointment

At your appointment, you will show our dermatologist the area of concern. Your doctor will perform a detailed examination of the affected nail or nails, at times using dermatoscopes or other diagnostic aids. Biopsies or other test may be performed. While many irregularities of the nails are benign, the expertise of a certified dermatologist can help identify those lions that may be infectious or cancerous.