What are some signs of aging skin?
There are many signs and symptoms of aging skin, including pigmentation changes, increased wrinkling or laxity of the skin, loss of volume, fragility, and easy bruising.
Why see a dermatologist for aging skin?
A dermatologist can help identify benign (harmless) changes associated with skin aging and diagnose any lesions of concern through detailed skin exams and skin biopsies when appropriate. Many age-related changes are cosmetic in nature and can be improved with energy-based devices (lasers, radiofrequency devices), neurotoxins, dermal fillers, and prescription retinoid medicines.
What to expect at your dermatology appointment
After your detailed skin examination, you will discuss skin findings with your physician. Options for treatments will be discussed, and together, you and your doctor will make a treatment plan. Some anti-aging treatments may be done on the consultation day and some will need to be scheduled for a future appointment.