
What is acne?

Acne is a common disorder that can affect patients of all ages and is characterized by inflammatory red pimples, pustules, and occasionally painful cysts on the head and body. 

Why see a dermatologist for acne?

It is important to diagnose and treat acne early to prevent permanent scarring and minimize its psychosocial impact, particularly in adolescents.

How a dermatologist treats acne

Acne is a clinical diagnosis that your dermatologist will make based on a detailed skin exam and, when necessary, biopsy or culture results. 

What to expect at your dermatology appointment 

At your appointment, you will show our dermatologists the areas of concern or you may be scheduled for a full-body skin check.  Our doctors perform detailed skin exams, at times using dermatoscopes and other diagnostic aids,  and will biopsy lesions of concern. A treatment plan will be reviewed and initiated and appropriate follow-up appointments will be scheduled.